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How To Add Members To A Project#


In this guide, you will learn how to add new members to your project as well as the different roles within a project.

Step 1: Members list#

On the Project settings page, you can find the General section, which lists the members of the project.

API Keys
List of project members

Step 2: Add a new member#

Next click Add members and a dialog where users can be invited will appear. Select the users to invite.

API Keys
Add new member dialog

Subsequently, the selected project members can be assigned to 2 different roles, depending on the privileges necessary for him/her to fulfill their needs.

Data owner#

Data owners hold the highest authority in the project, having full control of its contents.

They are allowed to: - Share a project - Manage the project and its members - Work with all feature store abstractions (such as Feature groups, Feature views, Storage connectors, etc.)

It is worth mentioning that the project's creator (aka. author) is a special type of Data owner. He is the only user capable of deleting the project and it is impossible to change his role to Data scientist.

Data scientist#

Data scientists can be viewed as the users of data.

They are allowed to: - Create feature views/training datasets using existing features - Manage the feature views/training datasets they have created

Step 3: Member invited#

The invited user will now appear in the list of members and will have access to the project.

API Keys
List of project members


In this guide, you learned how to add a new member and the types of roles this member can be a part of.