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GCP - Getting started with GKE#

Kubernetes and Helm are used to install & run Hopsworks and the Feature Store in the cloud. They both integrate seamlessly with third-party platforms such as Databricks, SageMaker and KubeFlow. This guide shows how to set up the Hopsworks platform in your organization's Google Cloud Platform's (GCP) account.


To follow the instruction on this page you will need the following:

  • Kubernetes Version: Hopsworks can be deployed on AKS clusters running Kubernetes >= 1.27.0.
  • The gcloud CLI
  • The gsutil tool
  • kubectl (to manage the AKS cluster)
  • helm (to deploy Hopsworks)

GCR Registry#

Hopsworks allows users to customize images for Python jobs, Jupyter Notebooks, and (Py)Spark applications. These images should be stored in Google Container Registry (GCR). The GKE cluster needs access to a GCR repository to push project images.


  • The deployment requires cluster admin access to create ClusterRoles, ServiceAccounts, and ClusterRoleBindings.

  • A namespace is required to deploy the Hopsworks stack. If you don’t have permissions to create a namespace, ask your GKE administrator to provision one.

Step 1: GCP GKE Setup#

Step 1.1: Create a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket#

Create a bucket to store project data. Ensure the bucket is in the same region as your GKE cluster for performance and cost optimization.

gsutil mb -l $region gs://$bucket_name

Step 1.2: Create Service Account#

Create a file named hopsworksai_role.yaml with the following content:

title: Hopsworks AI Instances
description: Role that allows Hopsworks AI Instances to access resources
stage: GA
- storage.buckets.get
- storage.buckets.update
- storage.multipartUploads.abort
- storage.multipartUploads.create
- storage.multipartUploads.list
- storage.multipartUploads.listParts
- storage.objects.create
- storage.objects.delete
- storage.objects.get
- storage.objects.list
- storage.objects.update
- artifactregistry.repositories.create
- artifactregistry.repositories.get
- artifactregistry.repositories.uploadArtifacts
- artifactregistry.repositories.downloadArtifacts
- artifactregistry.tags.list
- artifactregistry.tags.delete

Execute the following gcloud command to create a custom role from the file. Replace $PROJECT_ID with your GCP project id:

gcloud iam roles create hopsworksai_instances --project=$PROJECT_ID --file=hopsworksai_role.yaml

Create a service account:

Execute the following gcloud command to create a service account for Hopsworks AI instances. Replace $PROJECT_ID with your GCP project id:

gcloud iam service-accounts create hopsworksai_instances --project=$PROJECT_ID --description="Service account for Hopsworks AI instances" --display-name="Hopsworks AI instances"

Execute the following gcloud command to bind the custom role to the service account. Replace all occurrences $PROJECT_ID with your GCP project id:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:hopsworks-ai-instances@$" --role="projects/$PROJECT_ID/roles/hopsworksai_instances"

Step 1.3: Create a GKE Cluster#

gcloud container clusters create <cluster-name> --zone <zone> --machine-type n2-standard-8 --num-nodes 3 --enable-ip-alias --service-account

Step 1.4: Create GCR repository#

Enable Artifact Registry and create a GCR repository to store images:

gcloud artifacts repositories create <repo-name> --repository-format=docker --location=<region>
gsutil iam ch gs://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME
gsutil iam ch gs://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME

gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS:objectViewer gs://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS:objectAdmin gs://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL" --role="roles/storage.objectViewer"

Step 2: Configure kubectl#

gcloud auth configure-docker

kubectl get pods

Step 3: Setup Hopsworks for Deployment#

Step 3.1: Add the Hopsworks Helm repository#

To obtain access to the Hopsworks helm chart repository, please obtain an evaluation/startup licence here.

Once you have the helm chart repository URL, replace the environment variable $HOPSWORKS_REPO in the following command with this URL.

helm repo add hopsworks $HOPSWORKS_REPO
helm repo update hopsworks

Step 3.2: Create Hopsworks namespace#

kubectl create namespace hopsworks

Step 3.3: Create helm values file#

Below is a simplifield values.gcp.yaml file to get started which can be updated for improved performance and further customisation.

    storageClassName: null
    cloudProvider: "GCP"
      enabled: true
      domain: ""
      namespace: "PROJECT_ID/hopsworks"
        enabled: true
        secretName: &gcpregcred "gcpregcred"

      enabled: true
          name: &bucket "hopsworks"
        region: &region "europe-north1"
        endpoint: &gcpendpoint ""
          name: &gcpcredentials "gcp-credentials"
          acess_key_id: &gcpaccesskey "access-key-id"
          secret_key_id: &gcpsecretkey "secret-access-key"
      enabled: false

Step 4: Deploy Hopsworks#

Deploy Hopsworks in the created namespace.

helm install hopsworks hopsworks/hopsworks --namespace hopsworks --values values.gcp.yaml --timeout=600s

Check that Hopsworks is installing on your provisioned AKS cluster.

kubectl get pods --namespace=hopsworks

kubectl get svc -n hopsworks -o wide

Upon completion (circa 20 minutes), setup a load balancer to access Hopsworks:

kubectl expose deployment hopsworks --type=LoadBalancer --name=hopsworks-service --namespace <namespace>

Step 5: Next steps#

Check out our other guides for how to get started with Hopsworks and the Feature Store: