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Feature Validation with the Hopsworks Feature Store#

Correct feature data is essential for developing accurate machine learning models. Raw data being ingested into the feature store maybe suffer from incorrect or corrupt values, may need to be validated against certain features depending on the domain. For example, a feature representing the customer's age should not be a negative number and should always have a value set.

HSFS provides an API to define expectations on data being inserted into feature groups and also view results over time of these expectations in the form of feature validations.

Feature validations can therefore be easily integrated with existing feature ingestion pipelines. HSFS utilizes the Deequ open source library and support is currently being added for working with the Great Expectations.

Below we describe the different API components of the hsfs feature validation API and we walk you through Feature validation is part of the HSFS Java/Scala and Python API for working with Feature Groups. Users work with the abstractions:

Rule definitions#

Rule definitions is a set of pre-defined and immutable rules (RuleDefiniton) that are unique by name and are used for creating validation rules (Rule) and expectations (Expectation) applied on a dataframe that is ingested into a Feature Group.

All rules are asserted based on a value provided by the users which can be set using the min and max rule properties. That means users must provide an exact value, or a range of values, that the rule's computed value needs to match in order for the rule to be asserted as successful. For example: - min(10) and max(10) for the HAS_MIN rule means the rule will be successful only if the minimum value of a feature is exactly 10. - min(10) for the HAS_MIN rule means the rule will be successful if the minimum value of a feature is at least 10. - max(10) for the HAS_MIN rule means the rule will be successful if the maximum value of a feature is at most 10.

Default value for min/max is 0.0, except for compliance rules which is 1.0.

The following table describes all the supported rule definitions along with their properties (code examples are shown in the section below). - Name: The name of the rule. - Predicate: The type of the predicate type of value this rule expects. - Example: - IS_CONTAINED_IN expects the LEGAL_VALUES property to be set. - Compliance rules such as IS_LESS_THAN expect the feature property to be set. That means all the expectation's features will be evaluated against the provided feature. - Accepted type: The data type of value set for the rules predicate or min/max properties. - Examples: - HAS_MIN uses min() and max() with fractional values like min(2.5) max (5.0). - HAS_SIZE uses min() and max() with integral values like min(10) max(10) - HAS_DATATYPE expects String values to be provided as input to the ACCEPTED_TYPE predicate, ACCEPTED_TYPE="Boolean". - Feature type: The data type of the feature this rule is evaluated against. If a rule is to be applied to an incompatible feature type, an error will be thrown when the expectation is attached on the feature group. - Example, HAS_MIN can only be applied on numerical features but HAS_DISTINCTNESS can be applied on both numerical and categorical features. - Description: A short description of what the rule validates.

Name Predicate Accepted type Feature type Description
HAS_APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT Fractional Assert on the approximate count distinct of a feature.
HAS_APPROX_QUANTILE Fractional Numerical Assert on the approximate quantile of a feature.
HAS_COMPLETENESS Fractional Assert on the uniqueness of a single or combined set of features.
HAS_CORRELATION Fractional Numerical Assert on the pearson correlation between two features.
HAS_DATATYPE ACCEPTED_TYPE String Assert on the fraction of rows that conform to the given data type.
HAS_DISTINCTNESS Fractional Assert on the distinctness of a single or combined set of features.
HAS_ENTROPY Fractional Assert on the entropy of a feature.
HAS_MAX Fractional Numerical Assert on the max of a feature.
HAS_MAX_LENGTH String Categorical Assert on the maximum length of the feature value.
HAS_MEAN Fractional Numerical Assert on the mean of a feature.
HAS_MIN Fractional Numerical Assert on the min of a feature.
HAS_MIN_LENGTH String Categorical Assert on the minimum length of the feature value.
HAS_MUTUAL_INFORMATION Fractional Assert on the mutual information between two features.
HAS_NUMBER_OF_DISTINCT_VALUES Integral Assert on the number of distinct values of a feature.
HAS_PATTERN String Categorical Assert on the average compliance of the feature to the regular expression.
HAS_SIZE Integral Assert on the number of rows of the dataframe.
HAS_STANDARD_DEVIATION Fractional Numerical Assert on the standard deviation of a feature.
HAS_SUM Fractional Numerical Assert on the sum of a feature.
HAS_UNIQUENESS Fractional Assert on the uniqueness of a feature, that is the fraction of unique values over the number of all its values.
HAS_UNIQUE_VALUE_RATIO Fractional Assert on the unique value ratio of a feature, that is the fraction of unique values over the number of all distinct values.
IS_CONTAINED_IN LEGAL_VALUES String Assert that every non-null value of feature is contained in a set of predefined values.
IS_GREATER_THAN feature Fractional Assert on feature A values being greater than feature B.
IS_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO feature Fractional Assert on feature A values being greater than or equal to those of feature B.
IS_LESS_THAN feature Fractional Assert on feature A values being less that feature B.
IS_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO feature Fractional Assert on feature A values being less or equal to those of feature B.
IS_NON_NEGATIVE Fractional Numerical Assert on feature containing non negative values.
IS_POSITIVE Fractional Numerical Assert on a feature containing non negative values.





Get a rule with a certain name or all rules available for data validation.




Get a rule with a certain name or all rules available for data validation.

For example, to get all available rule definitions in hsfs:

import hsfs
connection = hsfs.connection()
rules = connection.get_rules()
import com.logicalclocks.hsfs._
val connection = HopsworksConnection.builder().build();
val rules = connection.getRules()

and to get a rule definition by name:

import hsfs
connection = hsfs.connection()
rules = connection.get_rules()
import com.logicalclocks.hsfs._
val connection = HopsworksConnection.builder().build();
val rules = connection.getRules()





Metadata object representing the validation rule that is used by feature group expectations.

The set of rule definitions, for example "has max", "has avg" is provided by hsfs and cannot be modified.



The type of the feature, one of "Null", "Fractional", "Integral", "Boolean", "String".





The type of the feature, one of "Numerical", "Categorical".



Name of the rule definition. Unique across all features stores.



Predicate of the rule definition, one of "LEGAL_VALUES", "ACCEPTED_TYPE", "PATTERN".


Used as part of expectations that are applied on ingested features. Rule names correspond to the names of the rule definitions (see section above) and you can set the severity level and the actual values that the feature should respect.

Defining expectation rules#

In general, rule values can be an exact value or a range of values. For example, if you need a feature to be ingested if its minimum value is below zero, then you can set min(0) and max(0) but if you want the minimum to fall within a range of 0 and 1000 then you need to set min(0) and max(1000). See section Expectations below for a detailed example.

Rules that operate on tuples of features, for example HAS_CORRELEATION, are applied on the first two features as defined in the expectation (as ordered within the expectation).


rules=[Rule(name="HAS_MIN", level="WARNING", min=10)] # the minimum value of the feature needs to be at least 10
rules=[Rule(name="HAS_MIN", level="WARNING", max=10)] # the minimum value of the feature needs to be at most 10
rules=[Rule(name="HAS_MIN", level="WARNING", min=0, max=10)] # the minimum value of the feature needs to be between 0 and 10

rules=[Rule(name="HAS_DATATYPE", level="ERROR", accepted_type="String", min=0.1)] # At least 10% of all instances of the feature need to be of type String
rules=[Rule(name="HAS_DATATYPE", level="ERROR", accepted_type="String", min=0.1, max=0.5)] # 10-50% of all instances of the feature need to of type String
rules=[Rule(name="HAS_DATATYPE", level="ERROR", accepted_type="String", min=0.1, max=0.1)] # Exactly 10% of all instances of the feature need to be of type String

rules=[Rule(name="IS_CONTAINED_IN", level="ERROR", legal_values=["a", "b"], min=0.1, max=0.1)] # Exactly 10% of all instances of the feature need to be contained in the legal_values list

rules=[Rule(name="HAS_PATTERN", level="ERROR", pattern="a+", min=0.1, max=0.1)] # Exactly 10% of all instances of the feature need to match the given pattern

rules=[Rule(name="IS_LESS_THAN", level="ERROR", feature="graduation_date")] # All values of the expectation's features must be less than the graduation_date feature values (comparison is done on a per-row basis) 
rules=[Rule(name="IS_LESS_THAN", level="ERROR", feature="graduation_date", min=0.5, max=0.5)] # Same as above but only 50% of the expectation's feature values need to be less that the graduation_date feature values
Rule.createRule(RuleName.HAS_MIN).min(10).level(Level.WARNING).build() // the mininum value of the feature needs to be at least 10
Rule.createRule(RuleName.HAS_MIN).max(10).level(Level.WARNING).build() // the minimum value of the feature needs to be at most 10
Rule.createRule(RuleName.HAS_MIN).min(10).max(10).level(Level.WARNING).build() // the minimum value of the feature needs to be between 0 and 10

Rule.createRule(RuleName.HAS_DATATYPE).acceptedType(AcceptedType.String).min(10).level(Level.ERROR).build() // At least 10% of all instances of the feature need to be of type String
Rule.createRule(RuleName.HAS_DATATYPE).acceptedType(AcceptedType.String).max(10).level(Level.ERROR).build() // At most 10% of all instances of the feature need to be of type String
Rule.createRule(RuleName.HAS_DATATYPE).acceptedType(AcceptedType.String).min(10).max(10).level(Level.ERROR).build() // Exactly 10% of all instances of the feature need to be of type String

Rule.createRule(RuleName.IS_CONTAINED_IN).legalValues(Seq("a", "b")).min(0.1).max(0.1).level(Level.ERROR).build() // # Exactly 10% of all instances of the feature need to be contained in the legal_values list

Rule.createRule(RuleName.HAS_PATTERN).pattern("a+").min(10).max(10).level(Level.ERROR).build() // Exactly 10% of all instances of the feature need to match the given pattern

Rule.createRule(RuleName.IS_LESS_THAN).feature("graduation_date").level(Level.ERROR).build() // All values of the expectation's features must be less than the graduation_date feature values (comparison is done on a per-row basis)
Rule.createRule(RuleName.IS_LESS_THAN).feature("graduation_date").min(0.5).max(0.5).level(Level.ERROR).build() // Same as above but only 50% of the expectation's feature values need to be less that the graduation_date feature values





Metadata object representing the validation rule that is used by feature group expectations.

This class is made for hsfs internal use only.



Data type accepted for a feature. Applicable only to the HAS_DATATYPE rule. Accepted types are: Null, Fractional, Integral, Boolean, String



Feature to compare the expectation's features to, applied only to Compliance rules.


List of legal values a feature should be found int. feature.Applicable only to IS_CONTAINED_IN rule.



Severity level of a rule, one of "WARNING" or "ERROR".



The upper bound of the value range this feature should fall into.



The lower bound of the value range this feature should fall into.



Name of the rule as found in rule definitions.



Pattern to check for a feature's pattern compliance. Applicable only to the HAS_PATTERN rule.


A set of rule instances that are applied on a set of features. Expectations are created at the feature store level and can be attached to multiple feature groups. If an expectation contains no features, it will be applied to all the features of the feature group when the validation is done An expectation contains a list of features it is applied to. If the feature group the expectation is attached to, does not contain all the expectations features, the expectation will not be met.


Create an expectation with two rules for ensuring the min and max of the features are valid:

expectation_sales = fs.create_expectation("sales",
                                           description="min and max sales limits",
                                           features=["salary", "commission"],
                                           rules=[Rule(name="HAS_MIN", level="WARNING", min=0), Rule(name="HAS_MAX", level="ERROR", max=1000000)])
// Create an expectation for the "salary" and "commissio" features so that their min value is "10" and their max is "100"
val expectationSales = (fs.createExpectation()
                              Rule.createRule(RuleName.HAS_MIN).min(0).level(Level.WARNING).build(), //Set rule by name
                              Rule.createRule(ruleMax).max(1000000).level(Level.ERROR).build())) //Set rule by passing the RuleDefinition metadata
                          .description("min and max sales limits")
                          .features(Seq("salary", "commission"))

Create an expectation with a rule to assert that no feature has a null value:

expectation_notnull = fs.create_expectation("not_null",
                                            description="Assert no feature is null",
                                            rules=[Rule(name="HAS_DATATYPE", level="ERROR", accepted_type="Null", max=0)])
val expectationNotNull = (fs.createExpectation()
                            .description("Assert no feature is null")



FeatureStore.create_expectation(name, description="", features=[], rules=[])

Create an expectation metadata object.


This method is lazy and does not persist the expectation in the feature store on its own. To materialize the expectation and save call the save() method of the expectation metadata object.


  • name str: Name of the training dataset to create.
  • description Optional[str]: A string describing the expectation that can describe its business logic and applications within the feature store.
  • features Optional[List[str]]: The features this expectation is applied on.
  • rules Optional[List[hsfs.rule.Rule]]: The validation rules this expectation will apply to the its features.


Expectation: The expectation metadata object.





Get an expectation entity from the feature store.

Getting an expectation from the Feature Store means getting its metadata handle so you can subsequently add features and/or rules and save it which will overwrite the previous instance.


  • name str: Name of the training dataset to get.


Expectation: The expectation metadata object.


  • RestAPIError: If unable to retrieve the expectation from the feature store.




Get all expectation entities from the feature store.

Getting expectations from the Feature Store means getting their metadata handles so you can subsequently add features and/or rules and save it which will overwrite the previous instance.


Expectation: The expectation metadata object.


  • RestAPIError: If unable to retrieve the expectations from the feature store.





Metadata object representing an feature validation expectation in the Feature Store.



Description of the expectation.



Optional list of features this expectation is applied to. If no features are provided, the expectation will be applied to all the feature group features.



Name of the expectation, unique per feature store (project).



List of rules applied to the features of the expectation.




Persist the expectation metadata object to the feature store.


The results of expectations against the ingested dataframe are assigned a validation time and are persisted within the Feature Store. Users can then retrieve validation results by validation time and by commit time for time-travel enabled feature groups.

Validation Type#

Feature Validation is disabled by default, by having the validation_type feature group attribute set to NONE. The list of allowed validation types are:

  • STRICT: Data validation is performed and feature group is updated only if validation status is "Success"
  • WARNING: Data validation is performed and feature group is updated only if validation status is "Warning" or lower
  • ALL: Data validation is performed and feature group is updated only if validation status is "Failure" or lower
  • NONE: Data validation not performed on feature group

For example, to update the validation type to all:

fg.validation_type = "ALL"
import com.logicalclocks.hsfs.metadata.validation._


You can also apply the expectations on a dataframe without inserting data, that can be helpful for debugging. [source]


FeatureGroup.validate(dataframe=None, log_activity=False)

Run validation based on the attached expectations


  • dataframe Optional[pyspark.sql.DataFrame]: The PySpark dataframe to run the data validation expectations against.
  • log_activity: Whether to log the validation as a feature group activity. If a dataframe is not provided (None), the validation will be logged as a feature store activity.


FeatureGroupValidation. The feature group validation metadata object.




FeatureGroup.get_validations(validation_time=None, commit_time=None)

Get feature group data validation results based on the attached expectations.


  • validation_time: The data validation time, when the data validation started. commit_time: The commit time of a time travel enabled feature group.


FeatureGroupValidation. The feature group validation metadata object.





Metadata object representing the validation result of a single rule of an expectation result of a Feature Group.



Feature of the validation result on which the rule was applied.



Message describing the outcome of applying the rule against the feature.



Feature of the validation result on which the rule was applied.





The computed value of the feature according to the rule.