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Feature Monitoring for Feature Views#

Feature Monitoring complements the Hopsworks data validation capabilities for Feature Group data by allowing you to monitor your data once they have been ingested into the Feature Store. Hopsworks feature monitoring is centered around two functionalities: scheduled statistics and statistics comparison.

Before continuing with this guide, see the Feature monitoring guide to learn more about how feature monitoring works, and get familiar with the different use cases of feature monitoring for Feature Views described in the Use cases sections of the Scheduled statistics guide and Statistics comparison guide.

Limited UI support

Currently, feature monitoring can only be configured using the Hopsworks Python library. However, you can enable/disable a feature monitoring configuration or trigger the statistics comparison manually from the UI, as shown in the Advanced guide.


In this section, we show you how to setup feature monitoring in a Feature View using the Hopsworks Python library. Alternatively, you can get started quickly by running our tutorial for feature monitoring.

First, checkout the pre-requisite and Hopsworks setup to follow the guide below. Create a project, install the Hopsworks Python library in your environment and connect via the generated API key. The second step is to start a new configuration for feature monitoring.

After that, you can optionally define a detection window of data to compute statistics on, or use the default detection window (i.e., whole feature data). If you want to setup scheduled statistics alone, you can jump to the last step to save your configuration. Otherwise, the third and fourth steps are also optional and show you how to setup the comparison of statistics on a schedule by defining a reference window and specifying the statistics metric to be compared.

Step 1: Pre-requisite#

In order to setup feature monitoring for a Feature View, you will need:

Connect your notebook to Hopsworks#

Connect the client running your notebooks to Hopsworks.

import hopsworks

project = hopsworks.login()

fs = project.get_feature_store()

You will be prompted to paste your API key to connect the notebook to your project. The fs Feature Store entity is now ready to be used to insert or read data from Hopsworks.

Get or create a Feature View#

Feature monitoring can be enabled on already created Feature Views. We suggest you read the Feature View concept page to understand what a feature view is. We also suggest you familiarize with the APIs to create a feature view and how to create them using the query abstraction.

The following is a code example for getting or creating a Feature View with name trans_fv for transaction data.

# Retrieve an existing feature view
trans_fv = fs.get_feature_view("trans_fv", version=1)

# Or, create a new feature view
query =["fraud_label", "amount", "cc_num"])
trans_fv = fs.create_feature_view(

Get or create a Training Dataset#

The following is a code example for creating a training dataset with two splits using a previously created feature view.

# Create a training dataset with train and test splits
_, _ = trans_fv.create_train_validation_test_split(
    description = 'transactions fraud batch training dataset',
    data_format = 'csv',
    validation_size = 0.2,
    test_size = 0.1,

Step 2: Initialize configuration#

Scheduled statistics#

You can setup statistics monitoring on a single feature or multiple features of your Feature Group data, included in your Feature View query.

# compute statistics for all the features
fg_monitoring_config = trans_fv.create_statistics_monitoring(
    description="Compute statistics on all data of all features of the Feature Group data on a daily basis",

# or for a single feature
fg_monitoring_config = trans_fv.create_statistics_monitoring(
    description="Compute statistics on all data of a single feature of the Feature Group data on a daily basis",

Statistics comparison#

When enabling the comparison of statistics in a feature monitoring configuration, you need to specify a single feature of your Feature Group data, included in your Feature View query. You can create multiple feature monitoring configurations on the same Feature View, but each of them should point to a single feature in the Feature View query.

fg_monitoring_config = trans_fv.create_feature_monitoring(
    description="Compute descriptive statistics on the amount Feature of the Feature Group data on a daily basis",

Custom schedule or percentage of window data#

By default, the computation of statistics is scheduled to run endlessly, every day at 12PM. You can modify the default schedule by adjusting the cron_expression, start_date_time and end_date_time parameters.

fg_monitoring_config = trans_fv.create_statistics_monitoring(
    description="Compute statistics on all data of all features of the Feature Group data on a weekly basis",
    cron_expression="0 0 12 ? * MON *",  # weekly 
    row_percentage=0.8,                  # use 80% of the data

# or
fg_monitoring_config = trans_fv.create_feature_monitoring(
    description="Compute descriptive statistics on the amount Feature of the Feature Group data on a weekly basis",
    cron_expression="0 0 12 ? * MON *",  # weekly 
    row_percentage=0.8,                  # use 80% of the data

Step 3: (Optional) Define a detection window#

By default, the detection window is an expanding window covering the whole Feature Group data. You can define a different detection window using the window_length and time_offset parameters provided in the with_detection_window method. Additionally, you can specify the percentage of feature data on which statistics will be computed using the row_percentage parameter.

    window_length="1w",  # data ingested during one week
    time_offset="1w",    # starting from last week
    row_percentage=0.8,  # use 80% of the data

Step 4: (Optional) Define a reference window#

When setting up feature monitoring for a Feature View, reference windows can be either a regular window, a specific value (i.e., window of size 1) or a training dataset.

# compare statistics against a reference window
    window_length="1w",  # data ingested during one week
    time_offset="2w",    # starting from two weeks ago
    row_percentage=0.8,  # use 80% of the data

# or a specific value

# or a training dataset
    training_dataset_version=1, # use the training dataset used to train your production model

Step 5: (Optional) Define the statistics comparison criteria#

In order to compare detection and reference statistics, you need to provide the criteria for such comparison. First, you select the metric to consider in the comparison using the metric parameter. Then, you can define a relative or absolute threshold using the threshold and relative parameters.

    threshold=0.2,  # a relative change over 20% is considered anomalous
    relative=True,  # relative or absolute change
    strict=False,   # strict or relaxed comparison

Difference values and thresholds

For more information about the computation of difference values and the comparison against threhold bounds see the Comparison criteria section in the Statistics comparison guide.

Step 6: Save configuration#

Finally, you can save your feature monitoring configuration by calling the save method. Once the configuration is saved, the schedule for the statistics computation and comparison will be activated automatically.

Next steps

See the Advanced guide to learn how to delete, disable or trigger feature monitoring manually.