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How To Configure A Predictor#


In this guide, you will learn how to configure a predictor for a trained model.


This guide assumes that a model has already been trained and saved into the Model Registry. To learn how to create a model in the Model Registry, see Model Registry Guide

Predictors are the main component of deployments. They are responsible for running a model server that loads a trained model, handles inference requests and returns predictions. They can be configured to use different model servers, serving tools, log specific inference data or scale differently. In each predictor, you can configure the following components:


Step 1: Create new deployment#

If you have at least one model already trained and saved in the Model Registry, navigate to the deployments page by clicking on the Deployments tab on the navigation menu on the left.

Deployments navigation tab
Deployments navigation tab

Once in the deployments page, you can create a new deployment by either clicking on New deployment (if there are no existing deployments) or on Create new deployment it the top-right corner. Both options will open the deployment creation form.

Step 2: Choose a backend#

A simplified creation form will appear, including the most common deployment fields from all available configurations. The first step is to choose a backend for your model deployment. The backend will filter the models shown below according to the framework that the model was registered with in the model registry.

For example if you registered the model as a TensorFlow model using ModelRegistry.tensorflow.create_model(...) you select Tensorflow Serving in the dropdown.

Select the model framework
Select the backend

All models compatible with the selected backend will be listed in the model dropdown.

Select the model
Select the model

Moreover, you can optionally select a predictor script (see Step 3), enable KServe (see Step 4) or change other advanced configuration (see Step 5). Otherwise, click on Create new deployment to create the deployment for your model.

Step 3 (Optional): Select a predictor script#

For python models, if you want to use your own predictor script click on From project and navigate through the file system to find it, or click on Upload new file to upload a predictor script now.

Predictor script in the simplified deployment form
Select a predictor script in the simplified deployment form

Step 4 (Optional): Change predictor environment#

If you are using a predictor script it is also required to configure the inference environment for the predictor. This environment needs to have all the necessary dependencies installed to run your predictor script.

By default, we provide a set of environments like tensorflow-inference-pipeline, torch-inference-pipeline and pandas-inference-pipeline that serves this purpose for common machine learning frameworks.

To create your own it is recommended to clone the minimal-inference-pipeline and install additional dependencies for your use-case.

Predictor script in the simplified deployment form
Select an environment for the predictor script

Step 5 (Optional): Enable KServe#

Other configuration such as the serving tool, is part of the advanced options of a deployment. To navigate to the advanced creation form, click on Advanced options.

Advance options
Advanced options. Go to advanced deployment creation form

Here, you change the serving tool for your deployment by enabling or disabling the KServe checkbox.

KServe in advanced deployment form
KServe checkbox in the advanced deployment form

Step 6 (Optional): Other advanced options#

Additionally, you can adjust the default values of the rest of components:

Once you are done with the changes, click on Create new deployment at the bottom of the page to create the deployment for your model.


Step 1: Connect to Hopsworks#

import hopsworks

project = hopsworks.login()

# get Hopsworks Model Registry handle
mr = project.get_model_registry()

# get Hopsworks Model Serving handle
ms = project.get_model_serving()

Step 2 (Optional): Implement a predictor script#

class Predictor():

    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization code goes here"""

    def predict(self, inputs):
        """ Serve predictions using the trained model"""
from typing import Iterable, AsyncIterator, Union

from vllm import LLM

from import (
from import Completion

class Predictor():

    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialization code goes here"""
    # initialize vLLM backend
    self.llm = LLM(os.environ["MODEL_FILES_PATH])

    # initialize tokenizer if needed
    # self.tokenizer = ...

    def apply_chat_template(
        messages: Iterable[ChatCompletionRequestMessage,],
    ) -> ChatPrompt:

    async def create_completion(
        self, request: CompletionRequest
    ) -> Union[Completion, AsyncIterator[Completion]]:
    """Generate responses using the LLM"""

    # Completion: used for returning a single answer (batch)
    # AsyncIterator[Completion]: used for returning a stream of answers


Jupyter magic

In a jupyter notebook, you can add %%writefile at the top of the cell to save it as a local file.

Step 3 (Optional): Upload the script to your project#

You can also use the UI to upload your predictor script. See above

uploaded_file_path = dataset_api.upload("", "Resources", overwrite=True)
predictor_script_path = os.path.join("/Projects",, uploaded_file_path)

Step 4: Define predictor#

my_model = mr.get_model("my_model", version=1)

my_predictor = ms.create_predictor(my_model,
                                  # optional

Step 5: Create a deployment with the predictor#

my_deployment = my_predictor.deploy()

# or
my_deployment = ms.create_deployment(my_predictor)

API Reference#


Model Server#

Hopsworks Model Serving supports deploying models with a Flask server for python-based models, TensorFlow Serving for TensorFlow / Keras models and vLLM for Large Language Models (LLMs). Today, you can deploy PyTorch models as python-based models.

Show supported model servers
Model Server Supported ML Models and Frameworks
Flask python-based (scikit-learn, xgboost, pytorch...)
TensorFlow Serving keras, tensorflow
TorchServe pytorch
vLLM vLLM-supported models (see list)

Serving tool#

In Hopsworks, model servers are deployed on Kubernetes. There are two options for deploying models on Kubernetes: using KServe inference services or Kubernetes built-in deployments. KServe is the recommended way to deploy models in Hopsworks.

The following is a comparative table showing the features supported by each of them.

Show serving tools comparison
Feature / requirement Kubernetes (enterprise) KServe (enterprise)
Autoscaling (scale-out)
Resource allocation ➖ min. resources ✅ min / max. resources
Inference logging ➖ simple ✅ fine-grained
Inference batching ➖ partially
Scale-to-zero ✅ after 30s of inactivity
Low-latency predictions
Multiple models ➖ (python-based)
User-provided predictor required

User-provided script#

Depending on the model server and serving platform used in the model deployment, you can (or need) to provide your own python script to load the model and make predictions. This script is referred to as predictor script, and is included in the artifact files of the model deployment.

The predictor script needs to implement a given template depending on the model server of the model deployment. See the templates in Step 2.

Show supported user-provided predictors
Serving tool Model server User-provided predictor script
Kubernetes Flask server ✅ (required)
TensorFlow Serving
KServe Fast API ✅ (only required for artifacts with multiple models)
TensorFlow Serving
vLLM ✅ (required)

Environment variables#

A number of different environment variables is available in the predictor to ease its implementation.

Show environment variables
Name Description
MODEL_FILES_PATH Local path to the model files
ARTIFACT_FILES_PATH Local path to the artifact files
DEPLOYMENT_NAME Name of the current deployment
MODEL_NAME Name of the model being served by the current deployment
MODEL_VERSION Version of the model being served by the current deployment
ARTIFACT_VERSION Version of the model artifact being served by the current deployment

Python environments#

Depending on the model server and serving tool used in the model deployment, you can select the Python environment where the predictor and transformer scripts will run. To create a new Python environment see Python Environments.

Show supported Python environments
Serving tool Model server Editable Predictor Transformer
Kubernetes Flask server pandas-inference-pipeline only
TensorFlow Serving (official) tensorflow serving image
KServe Fast API any inference-pipeline image any inference-pipeline image
TensorFlow Serving (official) tensorflow serving image any inference-pipeline image
vLLM vllm-inference-pipeline only any inference-pipeline image


The selected Python environment is used for both predictor and transformer. Support for selecting a different Python environment for the predictor and transformer is coming soon.


Transformers are used to apply transformations on the model inputs before sending them to the predictor for making predictions using the model. To learn more about transformers, see the Transformer Guide.


Transformers are only supported in KServe deployments.

Inference logger#

Inference loggers are deployment components that log inference requests into a Kafka topic for later analysis. To learn about the different logging modes, see the Inference Logger Guide

Inference batcher#

Inference batcher are deployment component that apply batching to the incoming inference requests for a better throughput-latency trade-off. To learn about the different configuration available for the inference batcher, see the Inference Batcher Guide.


Resources include the number of replicas for the deployment as well as the resources (i.e., memory, CPU, GPU) to be allocated per replica. To learn about the different combinations available, see the Resources Guide.

API protocol#

Hopsworks supports both REST and gRPC as the API protocols to send inference requests to model deployments. In general, you use gRPC when you need lower latency inference requests. To learn more about the REST and gRPC API protocols for model deployments, see the API Protocol Guide.